Maxim Integrated Products
A Maxim Integrated Products


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A Maxim Integrated Products

Maxim Integrated (now part of ANALOG DEVICES) designs and manufactures analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits used in computers, peripherals, handheld electronics, wireless and fiber communications, test equipment, instrumentation and video displays. Maxim Integrated products include Data Converters, Interface Circuits, RF Wireless Circuits, Oscillators, Battery-Management Circuits, Microcontrollers, Operational Amplifiers, Power-Management Circuits, Switches, Multiplexers, Sensors and Voltage References.

Explore the product catalog below, and see how Maxim’s products can add something extra to your next design.

To learn more about Maxim Integrated, please click here.

State of the art bio, industrial & automotive sensors

High-accuracy, low-power performance with real-time protection, robust interfaces and compact packaging

Hatékony, precíz, strapabíró és megbízható létfontosságú
analóg IC-k választéka

Get to Market Faster

MAXIM’s highly integrated Interface, MixedSignal and Power Management products will simplify your design so you can get to market faster.

Featured Products

Termékek listázása innen: Maxim Integrated Analog Devices

Development Boards, Evaluation Tools

LED Lighting Components

Passive Components

Semiconductors - ICs

Sensors & Transducers

Wireless Modules & Adaptors

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